A non-surgical technique, facial contouring, is taking the plastic surgery realm by storm! It is an effective method of enhancing facial features and reducing the signs of aging. At MedSpa, Dr. Nandyala makes sure your skin’s appearance improves even when you cross the 40s milestone. Here is everything you need to know about this effortless face-sculpting procedure.
What is Facial Contouring?
As your skin ages, it loses the natural elasticity, which results in wrinkles and sagging in the face. At MedSpa, we offer facial contouring, which is a non-surgical technique to uplift and contour the face. Also known as sculpting, this procedure can make your face more balanced by adding fullness. It makes your chin more prominent and the cheekbones higher. Apart from that, your jawlines become stronger. If you are considering getting this procedure done, consult Dr. Nandyala at MedSpa. We will make sure you get the look you want!
How does it work?
In the process of Facial Contouring, a trained dermatologist injects dermal filler into specific target areas. The usual areas of application are cheeks, jawline, and chin. However, the combination and amount of fillers varies from person to person. You must also know that most of the derma fillers are clear gels containing hyaluronic acid.
The hyaluronic acid is not a chemical but a natural protein that is present in your skin. It keeps your skin hydrated, nourished, and supple. However, with age, its quantity reduces and results in saggy, dehydrated skin that further becomes prone to wrinkles and fine lines. And with facial contouring, we simply inject and replenish its supply to the skin.
What does it offer?
Facial contouring techniques target different parts of the face. The type of facial surgery you choose depends on which part needs to be improved. Here are some benefits of facial sculpting.
- Adds fullness to the cheeks
- Makes the cheekbones higher
- Makes the chin more prominent
- The jawlines look stronger
- Uplifts the eyebrows
- Tones and tightens sagging skin
Reduce the signs of aging by rendering a voluminous result at MedSpa. We provide a service that makes you fall in love with yourself all over again.
Facial Contouring at MedSpa
MedSpa offers a comprehensive facial contouring procedure, which helps patients gain more confidence over time. Dr. Nandyala is one of the most celebrated doctors in this field, providing some of the best cosmetic procedures! Book a consultation and discuss with our experts at MedSpa if you want to look like a timeless beauty.
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